I heard this story on NPR about ghost hunters (listen to the short audio clip). Jake Warga went to help a family that was hearing strange noises in their house. The ghost (purportedly) turned out to be was the late great grandmother of their 2 year old son. The new mom was overwhelmed and uneasy about being in a new town without support. The grandmother was "needed" to watch over the boy and he would often say "hi" and "bye" to her. Once the mom was more secure, the ghost went away, she was no longer "needed".
Jake said was that young children often are able to talk about ghosts and their former lives. He said you should ask them, "Do you remember when you were big?" I asked Adam (who thinks he is a big boy already), if he remembered when he was big. He said, "Yes, I remember I pooped and winkled in the potty." I asked him again if he remembered when we was big like Mommy and Daddy and what did he do? He said yes, but couldn't tell me what he did. Maybe he is just beyond the age already. I've asked him if remembers being born, sometimes he says yes, sometimes no. But I will try to ask him again. Perhaps when he is going to sleep.
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