- The first big annoyance was that my coat was packed in there. I thought I was being smart by packing and checking my coat instead of lugging it along with everyone else's through the carry-on. But I didn't count on it being 19 degrees F the night we arrived back! Luckily, Doug had an extra windbreaker so it (barely) took the bite off.
- Although I claimed that I didn't mind losing my work computer, I didn't want to have to go back to my IT department and explain to them that I lost it on a personal trip. I'm sure there is some major violation in that.
- My glasses. In my frugal mindset, everyone in the family got glasses this year, so that next year, I wouldn't have to sign up for the Vision benefit. Losing my glasses would mean either having to get new prescription lenses for my old hideous glasses or buying a new pair outright for $539 (it was $243 under the plan and paid using FSA dollars). Ouch! My benefits are already locked in for next year and losing luggage is definitely not a "qualifying" event for changing them.
- Grandma paid $31 for this beautiful portrait of Dova with her favorite princess Ariel. The cost of the portrait is not so much the issue, but to replace it, we'd have to fly back to Disney World again and retake it!! Or perhaps with some major perseverance, I would be able to track it down through their thousands of portraits taken per day.
- This cute Ariel costume is certainly replaceable, but I did fork over $60 for it and buying another one would simply make the total cost of owning one completely outrageous.
Lessons learned: take the glasses in the carry on as well as the coat in wintertime. Plus I'm really a material girl after all. More posts on the actual trip to come...
Like the new header, that's pretty darn cool looking! Looks like you guys had a heck of an adventure.
One thing I learned the hard way one time, which fortunately turned out ok, was never ever pack your car and house keys into your checked luggage. I'm sure there's something about people breaking into houses, etc - but my problem was a flight that was delayed 16 hours. I couldn't even go home from the airport and come back, because my keys were in my checked bags, waiting for the plane - big high drama.
I also read about this guy's blog the other day who is experimenting with mail order eye glasses - I don't have any firsthand experience with it, but he's got some interesting info. Its glassyeyes dot blogspot dot com
It's losing things on the trip out that freaks me out. I have had luggage lost for a couple of days, only to have to go to a meeting without notes or fresh clothes!
I tend to carry-on all notes (maybe just on a CD is I need to travel light) or send them to myself via email. I also pack one change of clothes on my carry on. (so I can at least rotate through the hotel laundry without having to rush out and buy things....)
But on the way home....I generally don't care if my bags get run over by the plane or sent through the engines while en-route....I'm going to be happy to get home and sleep in my own bed...and there is usually very little that makes me unhappy when that's within sight. (of course, I don't wear contacts these days, so I don't ever find myself without glasses on the plane...)
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