"Why you little... Didn't I say no pictures of guns at school?!?!?!?" He said, "My teacher didn't see it" and "There are guns on the ships too." He is really pushing the limits. 
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Drawing guns at school
Last month, when the internet was abuzz with the story of a 7-year-old boy getting suspended from school for drawing a stick figure with a gun, I quickly went home and told my 7-year-old Adam NOT to draw pictures of people with guns at school. I don't necessarily agree that the NJ school's zero tolerance policy on guns should apply to stick figures drawings, but I didn't want to take any chances of having my precious boy suspended in first grade and on the road to juvenile delinquency. Adam had previously drawn Star Wars figures at school with light sabers which apparently didn't raise any issues, but maybe that was just a technicality.
So imagine my surprise when he brought home this two-sided drawing from school last week.
I'm just still aghast at the over-reaction of zero tolerance for what kids draw. The school system (and possibly world) has gone insane.
Using My Words
I think a child in grade 1 should be able to draw pictures of Star Wars. I think that's a silly rule of children in primary grades. They just draw what they like and most little boys like Star Wars. It's a very good drawing.
Its all an agenda. Make guns all bad, so they can take away our right to bear arms. Scare them off as kids and they can change policy and the Constitution. Crazy.
It's a Y chromosome thing. I tried sooo hard to keep things "gun free", only to have my now 10 yr old, at age 3, take a piece of cheese and bite it into the shape of a gun. Sigh...
Although I think it is really funny that the gun noises they make are "chooo chooo" like lasers.
Ah, yes - my 4 year old will come home from daycare and tell me that he 'made a gun' (usually from a cardboard tube, but sometimes a pece of paper). When I ask if he got in trouble for it I am told that they "didn't see him".
PCness leading him to figure out how to sneak and hide things, at 4 :(
Ah, well...
I am a teacher, and I actually just googled "drawing guns" because I'm very concerned about a student in my class today, who, after becoming angry, went to his seat and began drawing detailed gun pictures. I think this is the type of RED FLAG behavior that schools need to look out for. Kids drawing scenes from star wars in first grade though... maybe not.
I'm a single dad and a gun rights advocate. Recently, my daughter (4 years old) drew a picture of me with a small block in what would've been in my left hand. She distincly told me, "That's a gun, daddy." I'm terribly concerned. My daughter has never seen me handle a gun. Although I advocate for gun rights, I haven't owned any since she was born. I know young kids can overhear a lot; she's very inquisitive and hasn't asked me about guns ever. She's not a violent child; I was quite perplexed to see her drawing and hear her comment. I don't get much female perspective on this being a single dad and I could sure use some help. While I can't say you'll change my personal politics, do you think it would be wise to avoid talking about the issue around her; monitoring tv hows for violence, etc.?
I think that guns are part of society, so there's no escaping it for the kids. Just because she drew the picture doesn't mean that she is having violent thoughts. At that age, they don't realize the implications of guns and death.
I can't believe how out of touch with reality some of you sheeple really are.. The last time a gun killed someone by itself, was the last time a pencil spelled a work wrong by itself, & that was NEVER!
Guns are why some of you dimwits have the freedom to come here & say such uninformed things about well.. Anything you want.. But just know that when the crap hits the fan, it will be the sane people with the guns who save you, or the insane ones who rape & pillage you.. It's that simple..
Sheesh... I drew pictures of Star Wars when I was a little kid too... I guess that is now "Red Flag Behavior". Good thing I'm home-schooled. What I draw nowadays would probably get me in severe trouble. Pulse guns, particle cannons, space marines, alien soldiers, and so on...
By the way, I am both a gun-owner, advocate of gun rights, and I draw guns. I am not a violent person. When I was young, I refused to watch murders on TV. I do not advocate violence against any-one, but I will defend myself. Political correctness is really getting out of line now. It seems the whole world has gone insane.
Guns save lives. Guns stop crime. Guns protect the free world. Guns allow women to defend themselves against aggressive criminals they wouldn't be able to fend off otherwise. Respect the power they have, and use them wisely.
By the way, I mostly draw RAY-GUNS. No the Star Wars kind, scientifically realistic ray-guns based on real DEW projects. Sleek laser-pistols, pulse-guns, particle cannons, electron particle beam rifles, and so on...
My son is 14 and today the school teacher call me and said that my son drew a gun picture in his English Class....I asumme she got scared, so I think is bacause he likes to play the xbox games. could be something else?
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