You know how most social networking sites are completely fluff, where you can collect thousands of virtual friends, pretend to hob nob with celebrities, etc? There is one social networking site that is different from the rest, that comes across as a serious networking site, where you would only add your real friends. And that is LinkedIn. It is so serious, I don't even link to it from my blog because I use my real name.
The same goes for web aggregators. There's iGoogle, MSN, My Yahoo! and Netvibes, which attempt to aggregate everything that matter to you on the web. But that falls flat because the big three (Google, Microsoft, and Yahoo) won't support the each other's email. And Netvibes is buggy and often slow. But now there is PageOnce. PageOnce is the serious net aggregator, much like LinkedIn is the serious social networking site. Not only do they seamless integrate all your email, and fluffy and serious social networking sites (including LinkedIn), they also aggregate all your serious internet dealings, like utilities, credit cards and banks. Plus they have a great free iPhone app. It is easier for me to check my cell minutes on PageOnce's iOnce app than on the AT&T website.
So check out PageOnce, the serious net aggregator.
Click the screenshot to see it large.
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