Friday, November 28, 2008

Conservation of Good Portraits

A while back, I posted a set of conservation laws for parents that still seem to hold true, especially when it comes to good behavior and good eating.  Doug thinks that these "laws" are self-prophesizing, because I keep saying them out loud.  Now I have a new one to add, conservation of good portraits.  If one child has a good portrait, the other won't.  Here are the specimens:

dova portrait 2008

This is Dova's first great portrait.  She actually looks as cute as she does in real life, complete with a mischievous smile. In previous years, she looked:

Dova 11-1-05 Dova Junior Preschool 2006
scared,                 sort of smiling (this is good compared to goofy below),

Dova portrait
and bored.

Adam 2nd grade portrait

Adam usually has a pretty good portrait, but this fake smile is too much like a grimace.  Unfortunately, we will be on vacation when retakes are scheduled, so we'll have to live with this one.  In previous years, he looked:

Adam Preschool portrait 2004 Adam 11-1-05
Cute,                                laughing,

Adam Kindergarten 2006 Adam school portrait 1st grade
goofy,           and OK except that someone combed his hair straight down.

I thought their sibling portrait this year came out well, but Doug thinks it looks weird because Dova's head looks so much bigger than Adam's.

adam and dova portrait 2008

Since I've posted all of their other school portraits, I'll have to post these other great sibling shots from previous years for completeness:

Adam and Dova portrait Dova Adam portrait

One thing is for sure, I'll never tire of looking at their portraits!

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