For the longest time, Adam has wanted long hair. Last year, we let it grow until I couldn't stand it any longer and chopped it off in time for spring soccer. He has the thickest hair and is always the sweatiest boy out there.
I've cut Adam's hair since he was a baby, and it's transformed from thin baby hair, to thick curly hair, and now to thick, slightly wavy hair (miss the curls!). His hair is so thick, it's like cutting a paintbrush. I've had to buy new haircutting scissors because his hair dulled the first pair. But every haircutting experience is an exercise in frustration as he is completely ticklish. So the less haircutting I have to do, the better.
I actually enjoy his longer hair, as now I have an excuse to run my fingers through it to see his face. Doug thinks it's too messy. Grandma loves it because she thinks he looks like Harry Potter. I'm not sure how long he'll continue to let his mom stroke his hair, but I'm getting my fill before some lucky girl takes over. I also enjoy the soft skin on his cheeks and tell him to enjoy his beautiful skin before he becomes a teenager. You know, rub your hands on them and feel how soft they are. He thinks I'm crazy.
He can't wait for his bangs to grow over his eyes so he can truly be Emo boy
Adam loves his hair long, and I see him admiring it after a shower. He like to brush his sideburns forward onto his cheeks. We tell them they look like girly sideburns, and he likes to strike a girly pose. It reminds me of the women in old Chinese movies who glue their sideburns to their cheeks to make them pointy. I took this last shot of his girly sideburns before giving him a trim.
It's amazing how the hair genes meshed in our family. Adam got my hair color and thickness, tempered by Doug's curls. Dova has Doug's fine hair and color, but my straightness. It is completely different than mine, and I only pretend to have her highlights. Either way, we are blessed with the most beautiful happa children.
Hosted by Cecily and Michelle
I tried to grow my hair long once but I just didnt look any good, but he does look kool with long hair
I always wanted long hair, as a kid, but that was in the days of mullets, and just thinking about it now makes me a little queasy...
Why did you cut my sideburns mom? It looks... uh I don't know how to describe it, but it's kind of weird when I look in the mirror after I take a shower. Even though I haven't took a shower yet.
Love the emoticon! :)
Either which way, you have a very handsome young man on your hands. :)
Happy PSF!
Hey, I DO see Harry Potter in him! What a handsome young man!
I'm glad I'm not the only one struggling with preteens who want their hair over their eyes and ears.
Adam looks great with his new hair cut. Of course, I like his hair very long. He is bettter looking than Harry Potter. I imagine that he would be great with his hairs hanging over his cheek, neck etc. Perhaps, it will create a new hair style. The natural curly quality of his hairs are inherited from both Doug's and his maternal lineage of grand father and great grand father. One of your uncle had curly hair. It just happened that the genes were recessive on you and me, smile!
What a handsome young man!! I love running my hands thru my daughter's hair, and I think the same thing. I'll do it as much as I can while she'll let me.
Great pics - thanks for sharing!
My soon to be 12 year old is the SAME way about his hair. Wants it long. And shaggy.
Only his hair isn't thick so it just sort of sits there. Whatever. If that's the worst I have to deal with, I am SO good with shaggy long hair.
Good hair genes.
My nephews let their hair grow and they have the nice curl to it, alas my sons got the stick straight hair that just stands on end.
Good grief he has gorgeous hair! And yes, your children have an amazing mix of your and Doug. My daughter is nearly all her dad, from her superfine hair to her fingernails.
What a beautiful boy! He has gorgeous hair! My girls are clones of their dad. They have his curls, freckles and nose.
I love longer hair on boys. He's a cutie for sure. :)
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