Thursday, April 15, 2010

PSF - Under the Milky Way Tonight

I’ve always been fascinated by Christmas lights and look forward to decorating the house in lights every year.  This fascination was also inherited by Dova.  When she was eleven months old, as we carried her around under the icicle lights hanging from the beams, she pointed to the lights and said her first word, “light”. 

Back when I first moved into my home, I had gone mattress shopping at Jordan’s Furniture in Nashua, NH.  In their “sleep lab”, they had painted their ceiling dark blue and had Christmas lights strung all over, simulating a starry sky.  In their newest store in Natick, MA, they go one step further and have fiber optic “stars” on their ceiling.  Oh, to sleep under the stars every night!


In my bedroom, I recreated the starry night with a set of Christmas lights.  When the kids were babies, they always calmed down when we held them in our bed looking at the lights.  Eventually, I added lights to each of their bedrooms as well.


But outside, there had only been decorative lights around Halloween and Christmas.  No lights in the spring and summer and I wasn’t about to get fake lighted palm trees.  Finally, I bought a set of market umbrella lights.  Using an automatic timer, my deck is magically lit every night. 

I can also see the lights looking out from my bedroom window.


They make me sing that Church song, “Under the Milky Way Tonight”.  They make me very happy. 

PhotoStory Friday
Hosted by Cecily and Mamarazzi


linda said...

You nurtured the souls of Adam and Dova. They are connected to the universe and divine. Sweet dream!

Carrie and Troy Keiser said...

Love the lighted umbrellas!
How cool are you to put up lights over their beds?!

Unknown said...

I just love it! I think everything is more beautiful with lights above : ) Perfect!

Cecily R said...

I swear. You just keep posting these awesome pictures of your amazing house to make me jealous. And you know what? It's WORKING. I love LOVE your house, and adding all those fabulous lights just makes me love it more!

Jeanette said...

LOL love the lights :)

Alex@LateEnough said...

I love the idea of making a starry night for the kids... and the umbrella lighting is SO cool. I've never seen that before!