After making complicated sweaters and hats that have never been worn by Dova, we finally decided to stick with simple knitting projects. This way, my twitchy fingers are occupied with easy, mindless knitting and I won't feel so bad when they don't get used.
I knit this "raspberry chocolate ice cream" scarf for Dova last year, and created a matching scarf for her Asian-American Girl Ivy Doll
They look perfect in our new set of bedroom chairs, the first furniture acquisition since having kids, yay!
Since then I've knit a scarf for myself, using a one row lace pattern of: *P1, yo, k2tog; rep from * to end. It was my first time knitting lace, which took a bit more concentration than Dova's scarfs in straight garter stitch. As a reward for my efforts, I promised myself this pea coat that I've been eyeing after the scarf was completed.
After Dova took this photograph, I immediately cried, "Agh! Who is that old lady in that photo!?!?"
Maybe the pea coat with hand knitted scarf isn't the look for me after all!
I love the scarf, it was totally awesome, any tutorial i could read on how to make that? I wish to know it...
I didn't know you knit!
I recently finished a scarf that was a great simple pattern:
I did it in a silky tape yarn. Once you get going, it's really easy.
I loved your scarf on Dova, she smiles so sweet and I love you new funitures too. Love Mommy
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