Tuesday, May 26, 2009

PSA - Is Your License Expired?

In an effort to save money, the almighty Commonwealth of Massachusetts has stopped sending out driver's license renewals, which are good for five years.  And with further cost-cutting, they also didn't bother telling people before it was too late. Personally, I think it is just another scheme to generate more revenue in tickets. I received a renewal for my vehicle registration last month and in the envelope, there was a little insert saying "Happy Birthday! Is your license up for renewal?" And in smaller print, "The Massachusetts Registry of Motor Vehicles will no longer mail out renewal notices."

Normally, I don't bother to look at inserts but thankfully, this one caught my eye. So I pulled out my license and sure enough it had been expired for three months! OK, so they did bother to tell me after the fact, but I would have no idea if I threw out that insert. I started telling people at work, and another person found their license expired in a few days.  Just today, I was stopped on the way to work.  The cop gave me a warning for having an expired inspection sticker.  Thank goodness, my license wasn't expired as well!  If it's not one thing, it's the other.  I have put a reminder in my calendar for both of these!

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