Friday, April 28, 2006

Knit Sushi Feast

These are so awesome, I just want to eat them!! Kudos to katbaro for her great rendition and presentation of Amy Polcyn's sushi pattern on

1 comment :

Anonymous said...

Wow.....very cool. (Practical...well, why do we want that anyways! :-)

My daughter is getting into knitting. Now that I think of it, BOTH my daughters are because I remember my oldest looking to join a knitting club at College.

Perhaps I will point them at this post and see if it inspires them. (my daughter Kristen like to eat Sushi...but I think she is more interested in knitting sweaters!)

I have to admit that while my mother tried to teach me to knit and crochet, I just didn't have the patience. (I have developed more patience....but have never gone back to the knitting)