For some reason, Adam ended up with three sports this spring, which is not just hard on the soccer mom chaffeur, but hard on the pocket because you have to buy all those portraits that go along with it! OK, you don't HAVE to buy the pictures, but I just couldn't resist. Even though I sprung for all the pictures, I managed to save on frames by recycling some old ones instead of buying new ones. Here they are:
I love the Little League picture the most and I may just spring for the magazine cover as well, and oh yes, another frame (thoughts?) . His soccer picture is just plain goofy with his crazy hair, but at least he has his favorite glow-in-the-dark soccer ball that he received from his cousin Michael. Last soccer season's picture came out much better. Same photographer, but better weather, better background, better angle, better hair, better everything! OK, here is the picture for direct comparison:
Luckily Adam likes the sports in order of least expense: soccer, t-ball and gymnastics. Gymnastics will be dropped for sure (that is, until Dova is old enough because she seems to take a liking to it). The spring season is winding up in the next couple of weeks and then on to swimming and ice skating lessons. Let's hope he doesn't like skating because hockey would simply be unaffordable for this soccer mom!
But hockey is such a cool sport. (no pun intended :-)
Of course, I used to live next door to a skating rink, so we would get lots of free ice time. (Basically when ever no one else was renting the rink....which was not as much as we would have liked)
How about Tennis and Golf? My wife was the tennis player. (I think she might have been on our high school team?) I was a Golfer on the team.
She did get me to play tennis. (never well enough to come close to beating her) I could never get her to play golf. (I don't think I was patient enough to teach her....or my father for that matter!)
As for hockey....I was a good skater, but our HS team was either #1 or #2 in our division every year.....I never had a chance!
My daughters were very heavily into gymnastics and dance. My oldest now teaches dance in NYC at a private dance program. (That sounds kind of impressive...and she gets paid between $20 and $30 an hour for doing it too!)
So enjoy the sports activities. They will be great memories when they get older. (My mom and I always talked about the Little League games she used to cart me off to)
As a great mother, did you buy the skate resistant wrist protection for your son when he goes out on the ice?
And if he does get serious about the hockey, be sure that you have the appropriate dental insurance.
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