Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Wordless Wednesday - Jumping in the Snow



We've had more snow in December than in all of last season, to the delight of the kids. Happy New Year!


Cara said...

Great pictures, especially the one where she is jumping!

Anonymous said...

Looks like fun. We ended up only getting rain here in Connecticut.

**"Liza"** said...

ohhh looks like fun there..i love all you photos you did a great job taking those..;)
Wishing you the best this New year! :)
Mine is here

Beth Cotell said...

Brrrrr. This makes me cold! Great pictures!

Unknown said...

Very nice Wordless Wednesday! I am a non procrastinator, so my Wednesday and Thursday are up! Feel free to comment on both!


Princess said...

Ooooohhhh!!! That was cold!!!
Great shots! Beautiful child!!
Have a great 2008.

Deb said...

Oh those are wonderful - it looks like she was having a blast! Happy WW! :)

Anonymous said...

Great Shot! That looks so fun!

Happy WW!

Julie Pippert said...

I love your action shots!

I think you need to start providing photo details, as in camera, mode, etc.

I know I'd be interested.

Using My Words

Anonymous said...

If you click on the photo and go to the Flickr page, you can click on "More Properties" to view the EXIF data on the file (the camera remembers better than I do). Here are the details for this pic:

It looks like the only thing I did for this photo was to set the ISO high to get a faster shutter speed. I used my new 70-300mm lens for this shot. I should've set it to Exposure priority, but I was still a bit sick and freezing from holding my camera without gloves!

Patti said...

We've had more snow than last season too! Where are you? I'm in MA! That looks like so much fun!! Happy New Year!!!

Magaritas said...

oh I remember those days way back when.

ellen said...

mine is here...trying to catch up LOL...