Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Wordless Wednesday - Which Way Is She Spinning?

Put your answer in the comments: clockwise, counterclockwise or both! Since she is a silhouette, it is an optical illusion and you can actually get her to spin both ways. Check Maniac World for more information.


eastcoastlife said...

I'm seeing her spinning clockwise.

Bigqueue said...

I see how this can happen when I look at her waist....but I tend to look at her feet, and doing that always has her going counter clockwise to me.

Melissa said...

I checked the feet, too, so it definitely counterclockwise.

Family Adventure said...

I can get her to spin both ways...at first she is always spinning counter clockwise, but if I look at her hard enough, long enough, I can make her go both ways. It's a good trick. My eldest could only see her going one way, the youngest both ways right away :)


PS: Visiting from Julia's site.

Anonymous said...

I can only see her going clockwise. once I got that into my head, I can't make her go the other way. I'm trying.

Deb said...

I've seen this before - she's always gone clockwise for me. :)

Happy WW!

le35 said...

She's always going counter clockwise for me.

Robert said...

Is she spinning, or are we all simply revolving around her? :)