Friday, March 14, 2008

Photo Hunters - I Spy... A Mermaid

I spy... a mermaid

Oh my, that's a lot of food for one little mermaid! Dova helped make those sandwiches, including "apple sandwiches". Play food is one of her absolute favorite toys. For some reason, we can't find the ice cream cones, hope she didn't eat them...


Anonymous said...

Guess who won prize #43?
Yep it's you! Please be patient while the prize donor is contacted. They will be in touch with you soon. Congratulations!!!!!!!

Jen said...

LOL, we have this same food! Have a great weekend!

eastcoastlife said...

I bought Play Food for my son. We had so much fun playing with it.

Congrats on winning a prize! I have no such luck. sigh.....

Tom said...

Lot's of food. Have a nice weekend.

Harajuku PearL said...

hehe I got distracted with all the colourful foodies...Nice take on the theme ;)

Pearl - have a good weekend

bonggamom said...

My kids (of both sexes) love play food, we also have those plastic foods that velcro together. They are great, aren't they?

Anonymous said...

It's near that banana -behind that stacks of that a clubhouse?

Oh well. Cute mermaid.

CRIZ LAI said...

Cute purple haired mermaid you have there. Just make sure no one "chomp"her down the stomach.. :P

Anonymous said...

NICE shot.maybe she ate the ice cream cones already hehehe

Anonymous said...

Ha! all that food but nothing to eat. Happy Hunting...

Anonymous said...

A little mermaid.. I saw it

Carver said...

Fun take on the I Spy theme and very colorful.

Crooked Eyebrow said...

found it!
how colorful and fun

Anonymous said...

What lovely clean toys! They look brand new....

ancient one said...

She was pretty well hidden... but I found her...Good Post! Come see mine..

Unknown said...

This is great and is a perfect mate to my posts today...come see...

Unknown said...

I am going to link you into my post because the similarity is great.
Happy Hunting!

Anonymous said...

I spy! fun idea.

Sarge Charlie said...

wow, very vivid

Teena in Toronto said...

What fun toys! Can I come over to play?

I played too :)

Smalltown RN said...

oh I see her....great choice for the theme....and very colourful and playful

SnoopyTheGoon said...

Do I spy an ice cone? nope, I need new glasses ;-)

Have a great week!

NH Yocal said...

Great, now I'm starving...