Wednesday, August 06, 2008

I will be at BlogHer Boston!

I missed the big shindig at BlogHer in San Francisco this summer, but really I'm too anti-social to be able to enjoy such an event. I just viewed the awesome photos from the Alltop/Kirtsy party at Guy Kawasaki's house, saw the bathroom at the People's Party, listened to the interviews at 5 Minutes for Mom and read the keynote speaker posts, all from the safety of my computer.  I'm totally not cool enough party like that.

But since I have no previous engagements on October 11, and BlogHer Boston '08 will be less than 30 miles from my house and costs only $100, I really don't have an excuse to avoid it.  I even threw my hat for a panelist spot.  Eek!  Forgot I was INTJ for a second.

So if I survive this, and Blogher '09 is somewhere within driving distance next year, I may just attend next year. Please help my cause by voting for NYC in their poll:

Here are the results so far:

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