With forecasts of good weather on the lake, I felt less guilty about leaving them for three days. For the last two years, Adam had tried water skiing, but he hadn't been able to get up. Last year, his ski accidentally hit him in his private parts, so he was extremely gun shy about trying it again. So he stuck with tubing with his new friend.
When I joined my family after BlogHer, I tried tubing as well for the first time. It was a blast! I couldn't help laughing nervously/hysterically the whole time. Then our friends convinced me to try water skiing on the boom. I've never even thought of trying it before, it looked way too hard, even though Doug can water ski as if he were drinking ice tea. So I tried several times unsuccessfully, learning how to fall every which way, including an ultimate enema. Adam still did not want to try it after watching me flounder about.
The next day, I woke up thinking about the position that I needed to be in for water skiing. I lifted my arms and legs in the air to mimic the position. Doug woke up, looked over and asked what the heck I was doing. Water skiing of course! On this day, I finally managed to get up on water skis, but there will be no pictures posted of my belly flab escaping out of my tankini...
Even with my success, Adam still didn't want to try it. He watched as his seven-year-old friend water skied. Finally his friend convinced him by saying, "You know, it's a lot easier to learn to water ski as a kid instead of when you're an old man." Ha! Maybe the visions of his old lady mom flopping about on the water was something he didn't want to repeat. So he tried it using the rope (no wimpy boom like me). Doug, Dova and I watched from the shore. After a few tries, he finally was up on the skis!
Look at that delighted face! We were all whooping and hollering from the shore.
He stayed up for quite some time. Here he looks like he's water skiing like a pro! We are so proud of you Adam! And special thanks to our hosts for teaching him and taking these pics!
Hosted by Mommy Community.
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