Tuesday, March 23, 2010

WW - Have Skype Will Travel

I'm off on another business trip again, but never too far out of touch thanks to Skype. Here are some screen shots I've got over the years.

"Hey Dova, what's that on your cheek?"

"Dolphin face painting, cool!"

Giving Dova a good night kiss. She still looked like a baby a few years ago!

This shot was from my trip last month.

Afterward, they left Skype on while they ate. I could see them sitting at the counter through the reflection in the window. I could also dictate from the computer that they had to eat their vegetables. Next time, I'll have to ask Doug to pop the laptop on the counter so I can really eat dinner with them virtually.

Visit by Wordless Wednesday or 5 Minutes for Mom or 7 Clown Circus (wordful) for more participants.


I am Harriet said...

I love her glasses and gigantic smile!

The Royal Family said...

cute! Love random shots like that!

Come check out my wordless wednesday: http://bzzagentroyalty.blogspot.com/2010/03/wordless-wordful-wednesday.html

The Buzz, Brandy

Janet said...

amazing what technology can enable us to do!

Cecily R said...

Technology is amazing...I'm sure it makes having to leave every once in a while a little easier.

LOVE all the stills from your virtual visits!

Olivia said...

That's so fun! Happy WW!

linda said...

You blend well of your career, kids and family. Enjoy all of them. I envy you.

The Davidson Den said...

Oh, how funny. I have YET to try Skype. Never thought to use it like you did (dinner time veggie-eating commands). Very cute.

Asianmommy said...

Haha! What a great idea to have dinner together on Skype.

Rachel said...

That's awesome! Mental Note: I MUST get on Skype at some point in my life.

scrappysue said...

that's so cute! i find it funny when the person you're skyping is on a laptop and they carry u somewhere!!!

linda said...

My border, 26 year old married women, sits infront of her computer and talks to her mother in China, 5000 miles away through skype, every day for a half hour. Her mother would be histeric if she does not receive her message.
I could not dream of such communication 20 or 50 years ago. At those times I just sat in the dark, thinking of you and the other loved ones. Enjoy the high technologies.

Anonymous said...

Awww...so sweet! Love the dolphin!

Happy belated Wordless Wednesday because it is really Thursday and I'm a day behind myself :)