Tuesday, April 27, 2010

WW - Wisteria and Tulips

Me and the wisteria

At the Biltmore Estate in Asheville, NC, the wisteria was in full bloom. It was gorgeous.


During this time, the tulip garden was also in full bloom.


Me and the tulips

Instead of taking this shot with my point and shoot, I held up my DSLR with one hand to take it. Quite a feat!

Visit by Wordless Wednesday or 5 Minutes for Mom or 7 Clown Circus (wordful) for more participants.


Allison @ Alli 'n Son said...

Those tulips are beautiful!

Muthering Heights said...

Wow...they're gorgeous!

Rockin Momma said...

Hello! I'm your new follower through Wordful Wednesday! Great site! Visit me at http://www.rockindeals4you.com/?p=2690 and sign up for my giveaway!

Jac @ Wuzzle Makes Three said...

How gorgeous!!

I've always wanted to visit the Biltmore. (Ok, not always... but since I was a "grown up".)

Those flowers just make me feel warm and happy!

Momstart said...

These are very beautiful

MommiesSavings said...

very beautiful

~Melody @ 6 Feet Over~ said...

Wow! Gorgeous...I could practically smell them from my computer screen!


Ms. Latina said...

Beautiful- That tulip garden is amazing!

Happy WW!

Unknown said...

Gorgeous photos! I actually wrote about tulips and wisteria in tonight's post, but in a totally different way. :) LOL Your title caught my eye!

Upstatemamma said...

Gorgeous pictures!!

Anonymous said...

How pretty! I spent my honeymoon in Asheville. What a great spot!

BK said...

The wisteria is simply beautiful.

Jodi said...

Beautiful flowers!! Happy WW!

Winter Witch said...

Absolutely breath taking!

MollyinMinn said...

Wow, a self-portrait with a DSLR, I am impressed, that takes talent and flexible fingers! beautiful images.

TheAtticGirl said...

Gorgeous flowers! What a pretty day for taking pictures.

Here's my WW post:


Robyn said...

Very nice shots and colorful!

Mom All Day

Claremont First Ward said...


jayayceeblog said...

Wow, that sea of tulips is amazing. All the flowers are so gorgeous. Nice photos!

Marice said...

wow you look great and so are the flowers :)

u may view mine here

Beth McC. said...

I love your pictures! So bright and Springy! Love your blog its so cute!!

Real Housewives of Oklahoma said...

Absolutely stunning photos of the flowers.

Happy WW!

~Mrs. Albright

Asianmommy said...

Beautiful pics!

Rachel said...

Gorgeous! And great sacrifice on using the "real" camera - the benefit is obvious!!

Weed Eaters said...

These are some of the most beautiful pictures I've ever seen.Even real flowers don't look so beautiful.Perfect photography!