Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Wordless Wednesday - Petting Mr. Ray

At Atlantis Marine World Aquarium in Riverhead, NY.


Anonymous said...

wow, that is so cool!! I want to pet one someday.

Bernie said...

Cool photos indeed.

On another note, I got a lot of errors when opening your site, 'stack overflow line 0' or something similar...

Ours is up as well if you want to stop by...


Happy WW!!

Anonymous said...

What an incredible experience. And could she be any more darling??! Happy WW!

eastcoastlife said...

She is such a cutie beauty! She makes me drool! My husband and I have been longing for a daughter. :)

Look how happy she is petting the lil creatures. sigh.

I recently added Facebook too. The real name thingy made me consider for a long long time. hehe...

Anonymous said...

cute shots! that is so cool!!

Anonymous said...

Wow, she's pretty brave. I don't know if I'd touch one!

Andree said...

Was it cold and slimy??

ZAM said...

Hi Angela. What a gorgeous girl you have here. And she's beaming with joy.

i would be beaming with sheer delight too if i were there.

Thanks for visiting me.

Anonymous said...

As in stingray??

I'm seriously impressed. And that last picture looks like Mr. Ray so wants to jump out of there and join everyone on dry land. lol

Shama-Lama Mama said...

That's so cool! Its like he is coming up to the edge for some lovin'!!

You know, I got an error opening your site too, when I tried to add my name. It allowed me, but made my computer cranky.

Deb said...

She's adorable! And having so much fun in those photos... Happy WW! :)

Jessie said...

Isn't that crazy! What cool shots for her to have and remember from. Happy WW!

MommasWorld said...

Very brave little girl you have there. Mine begged to see the rays but would not get close enough to pet them. I did!

Great Shot! Happy WW!

Anonymous said...

Awww...I've always been too afraid.

Lynne said...

These are fun aren't they?

kim said...

very cute.... looks like she's having fun!

Jeremy Lowe said...

That is a cool experience, thanks for sharing the pics. happy ww and I have something they can only pet if it is mounted :-)