Friday, February 22, 2008

Photo Hunters - Wooden

Man and Woman Wooden Puzzle Sculpture
I purchased this man and woman wooden puzzle from the Signals catalog years ago when it went on clearance. I can't find the artist's website any longer, but I remember that he also offered a man-man and a woman-woman puzzle as well. The kids often ask why the woman's heart is at the bottom, and I tell them that is where the babies are made with love. Of course this wooden puzzle was photographed on our wooden birch floor with naturally reflected sunlight.

March 13, 2008 Edited to add - I found a card for this piece and it is called "Yu & Ai" which means "needless to say love and affection" in Japanese. It is made and signed by Joseph Kinnebrew. You can still purchase them at Pique.
Yu and Ai
Saturday Photo Scavenger Hunt Participants
1. Cindy
2. Write From Karen
3. Yen
4. Bisdak\'s Footprints
5. Carver
6. Alice Audrey
7. katney
9. so far, so good
10. liza
11. SnoopyTheGoon
12. Angela
13. Andrée
14. Bankerchick
15. Dragonstar
16. mee mOe

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Cindy said...

Those are really cute, and definitely a good take on the theme for the week. Have a great weekend!

Write From Karen said...

Perfect! LOVE those puzzle people. And what a great explanation for the heart in the belly - so true!

Write From Karen

Anonymous said...

That's really neat! We have something like that in here too but it's a little boy and girl:) Happy Weekend!

Anonymous said...

very cute. am getting interested with this photohunt thing.

tx sweetie said...

looking very new.i wonder if you use it at all? interesting posting huh.

I have a wooden Harley Davidson motorcycle you should check it out too

Wooden Harley Davidson motorcycle

Carver said...

That's a great shot of the wooden puzzles. I like your answer about why the heart of the woman is located where it is. Have a great weekend.

Anonymous said...

Do you ever take the puzzle apart and put it together again?

Katney said...

Very clever. A very different item for this week's hunt (we won't find any duplicates.)

ian said...

a most interesting puzzle! never saw anything like it til now... great response to your kid's question =] kudos, mom!

**"Liza"** said...

ohh that is really neat wooden puzzle..wonderful entry for this week theme.Have a great weekend..;)

My so called life
Life's Impression

eph2810 said...

That sure is a unique wooden puzzle.

Thank you for sharing.

SnoopyTheGoon said...

A great pair. And yes, the position of the heart is a bit - unorthodox, let's say ;-)

Have a great week!

Gran said...

Perfect selection this week with the wooden puzzle. Your answer to concerning the woman's heart placement was great!

Thanks for your visit. Have a great new week!

Anonymous said...

I was going to ask you the same thing: which begs the question: why is the Daddy making babies with his heart? LOLOL

I'm so sorry! I couldn't resist!

katie eggeman said...

Great take on wooden, and a good answer to your kids.

Dragonstar said...

That's a lovely little jigsaw! And your answer to the kids is perfect.