Tuesday, April 03, 2007
Stop Cyberbullying Day, March 30th 2007
I know I'm a few days late for this, but I've been sick in bed the last few days (and hadn't even touched the computer till after 5pm today!). I was outraged by the events that happened to Kathy Sierra, especially since it also implicated a Flickr friend, Lasadh. In honor of Lasadh's (aka Sherri Jackson) wishes I attempted a series of stop cyberbullying pictures, where I resorted to using the kid's underwear (side note - Dova is potty trained, woo hoo!).
In a note of irony, I experienced my first internet stalking on the very same day. I got a comment on this photo, saying "nice flowers & beautiful legs". Hmm, that's a strange comment. I clicked on the Flickr commenter and was shocked to find a page full of MY pictures of Adam in bathing suits and shorts. There were other semi-clothed boys as well. This was totally shocking and sickening to me especially since one of my favorite pictures below was included with the title "chinnesse".
I call this "Having too much fun during a timeout". It was taken after the kids had a whooping, hollering, crazy, good time ripping off all their clothes and needed a timeout to settle down. They were still having great time, as Adam continued to crack Dova up. Sure they are in their underwear and diaper, but this is no pr0n. After seeing these pictures on this sicko's site, I proceeded to file a copyright infringement with Yahoo (owners of Flickr). I also went and deleted any pictures of the kids taking baths or in their underwear (except for this one). Today I heard back from Yahoo that the infringing material was no longer there, so the guy was probably forced down by another user. He either wanted to be caught by leaving comments, or was just incredibly stupid. I'm glad he is gone, but I'll definitely be more careful of the pictures I put up on Flickr.
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