Saturday, October 13, 2007

Photo Hunters - Smelly

Dova and Adam thought the petting area of Long Island's Wild Animal Farm was too smelly. Eventually Dova got over it and petted a deer but Adam stayed put and refused to participate.


Anonymous said...

LOL--love the first pic. We did our entry on the zoo too!

Anonymous said...

I can understand. You pet them then your hands are smelly.

SnoopyTheGoon said...

If they like animals, it will pass. Zoos usually smell.

Anonymous said...

Ah yes they tend to get a bit smelly. We had goats, pigs, chicken, turkeys, etc., when I was growing up and they did tend to get funky.

Great interpretation of smelly.

Pamela said...

Mine too will react in such a manner. I think children nowadays are too "spoilt". They cannot stand natural environment. Must find a way to let them enjoy the nature. Natural walk and safari zoo farm stay will be best !

Anonymous said...

Awwww, so cute. And yes, I can imagine the smell! Great photo and have a good weekend.

Crooked Eyebrow said...

The first picture is Perfect!

Andree said...

That's so funny that he wouldn't even touch them!

BTW: I saw your submission on Carnival of Math. Good for you!

Denise B said...

Those animal farms do tend to get a little stinky!

Mommy Lutchi said...

so cute..Mine is up at My two Cents Worth and
The 4 Seasons Of My Life I hope you can visit me too.

Anonymous said...

That first one is way to funny! Perfect for the hunt!